Linda Allen
“… I must admit I didn't tithe until 13 years ago. I always gave to the church but I didn't want the burden of tithing. I started out small and gradually increased the amount. My blessings have increased by more than the amount of my tithing. No, I haven't found a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but even when unpleasant things happen, a blessing can be found. What could have been much worse usually is just an inconvenience…”
Maria Sullivan
“… It wasn't until I found myself alone one day that I decided that God should be number one in my life after all he never disappoints … God does surely work in mysterious ways he answers prayers and he gives us all we need. Maybe not exactly as we expected but usually better than what I was praying for. I consider Saint Mary's my spiritual home. This is my soul why would I not give to St Mary's...”
Dennis Allen
“…There are many opportunities to support the Lord's work and I believe that the clergy and laity of St Mary's serves the needs of our church family, the city of Belleview, and beyond. I am especially happy to support the children and youth programs at St Mary’s. My gift along with yours enables us to provide far more than I could do by myself in the furthering of God's Kingdom in this world.”