The BSA is a men’s service and fellowship group. The BSA meets every second Tuesday of the month for pizza at 5:30 p.m. with a meeting following (September through May). In addition to service and fellowship for men the BSA sponsors an annual golf tournament to help support the Youth Scholarship Fund, as well as, many other activities throughout the year. Contact: John Pfeiffer via the church office at (352) 347-6422 or email
The ECW is made up of all women in the parish who wish to participate. The ECW meets at the same time as the BSA, every second Tuesday of the month for pizza at 5:30 p.m. with a meeting following (September through May). The ECW sponsors various events and outreach in our community. You may ask to join the email list if you would like to know what is happening even if you cannot attend meetings. We welcome everyone! Contact: Marty Hartman via the church office at (352) 347-6422 or email
The Daughters of the King is a religious order for women whose primary task is prayer and service. The DOK meets on the third Monday each month at 10 a.m. (September through May). In addition to prayer and service the DOK helps assist the Rector as well as hosting receptions at funerals and other events. Contact: Joan Golden via the church office at (352) 347-6422 or email