St. Mary's Episcopal Church
St. Mary's Episcopal Church

Children’s Chapel

Children’s Chapel is designed to help children (ages 5-12) transition into adult church. The children come forward at the 10:30 Sunday Service for a Children’s Sermon and prayer. They are dismissed and meet in their Sunday School room. Children’s Chapel includes many of the same elements of regular church including hearing the Lessons for Sunday, a short homily, saying prayers, reciting the Lord’s Prayer and the Nicene Creed.

The children return to regular church with their families during the time of the Peace and in time for Communion. Teachers rotate on a two week basis. Contact: Marty Hartman via the church office at (352) 347-6422 or email


Cursillo is Spanish and means “a short course.” The full title translated is “short course in Christian living.” Cursillo is intended to help Christians learn to live what is fundamental as a Christian. Having done that, Cursillo intends to help Christians discover and live a personal vocation. Contact: John Pfeiffer via the church office at (352) 347-6422 or email


Our Weekly Schedule:


Sunday Services


8:00 AM

Traditional Rite I


9:15 AM

Contemporary Rite III


10:30 AM

Rite II with

Organ & Choir


5:30 PM - 3rd Sunday of the Month

 Miso En Espanol




Bible Study:

9:00 AM




10:30 AM

 Feast day of the Saints

Facebook Streaming & In-person


Our Monthly Schedule:


Youth Group


6:00 PM


Order of St. Luke

First Tuesday of the Month

6:00 PM


Food Pantry

Tuesdays & Thursdays

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM




6:45 PM


Prayer Shawl Group

1st Saturday of the Month

10:30 AM



& Grounds Workdays

 2nd Saturday of the Month

7:00 AM


Brotherhood of St. Andrew

 Quarterly meetings

Please check with your Ministry Leader for specific meeting dates and times.


Episcopal Church Women

 2nd Tuesday of the Month

6:00 PM


Daughters of the King

 3rd Monday of the Month

10:00 AM



 3rd Tuesday of the Month

6:00 PM



4th Sunday of the Month

12:00 NOON







Streaming Services






Gas Can

Deposit your loose change (or dollars) in the red gas can in the parish collection plate for those in need in our local community. A shared ministry through Love INC.

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© St Mary's Episcopal Church

5750 SE 115th St (Babb Rd), Belleview FL 34420

Post Office Box 2373, Belleview, FL 34420

Office hours Tues-Fri 9 am to 1 pm
