St. Mary's Episcopal Church
St. Mary's Episcopal Church


8:00 am - Rite I
9:15 am - Rite III Contemporary

10:30 AM  - Rite II 

with Organist & Choir

In person and via Facebook


Misa en Espanol

Spanish Service

3rd Sunday of Each Month

5:30 pm



Feast Day of the Saints

(We celebrate the life of a different Saint each week)
10:30 AM - Service 

In person and via Facebook  


2-23-25 to 3-1-25 Nudges of the Spirit Meditations
This week's Nudges are written by Denise.
2-23-25 to 3-1-25 Nudges of the Spirit -[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [93.2 KB]
2-16-25 to 2-22-25 Nudges of the Spirit Meditations
This week's Nudges are written by Carolyn.
2-16-25 to 2-22-25 Nudges of the Spirit [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [113.9 KB]
2-9-25 to 2-15-25 Nudges of the Spirit Meditations
This week's Nudges are written by Denise.
2-9-25 to 2-15-25 Nudges of the Spirit -[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [91.9 KB]


Our Weekly Schedule:


Sunday Services


8:00 AM

Traditional Rite I


9:15 AM

Contemporary Rite III


10:30 AM

Rite II with

Organ & Choir


5:30 PM - 3rd Sunday of the Month

 Miso En Espanol




Bible Study:

9:00 AM




10:30 AM

 Feast day of the Saints

Facebook Streaming & In-person


Our Monthly Schedule:


Youth Group


6:00 PM


Order of St. Luke

First Tuesday of the Month

6:00 PM


Food Pantry

Tuesdays & Thursdays

9:00 AM - 1:00 PM




6:45 PM


Prayer Shawl Group

1st Saturday of the Month

10:30 AM



& Grounds Workdays

 2nd Saturday of the Month

7:00 AM


Brotherhood of St. Andrew

 Quarterly meetings

Please check with your Ministry Leader for specific meeting dates and times.


Episcopal Church Women

 2nd Tuesday of the Month

6:00 PM


Daughters of the King

 3rd Monday of the Month

10:00 AM



 3rd Tuesday of the Month

6:00 PM



4th Sunday of the Month

12:00 NOON







Streaming Services






Gas Can

Deposit your loose change (or dollars) in the red gas can in the parish collection plate for those in need in our local community. A shared ministry through Love INC.

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© St Mary's Episcopal Church

5750 SE 115th St (Babb Rd), Belleview FL 34420

Post Office Box 2373, Belleview, FL 34420

Office hours Tues-Fri 9 am to 1 pm
